In the event of an emergency, you should immediately contact us by telephone to report the problem.
- Total loss of heat/AC when the outside temperature is below 45/above 95 degrees F.
- Total loss of electricity. Check with your utility company before reporting this circumstance to Meridian Communities or an electrician.
- Total stoppage of sewer and/or plumbing system. This means none of your sinks, tubs or toilets will function properly. If one fixture is working, it is not an emergency.
- Total loss of water. Check with the water department to be certain the problem is not a general outage in the area.
- Plumbing leak that requires the entire water supply to be shut off.
- Gas leak. Contact your utility company immediately upon detection of a gas leak.
For emergency service, please call one of the following phone numbers:
PLUMBING: 866-348-7473
HVAC: 888-767-7757
SDG&E: 800-411-7343